Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Italian Air Force completed first satellite-guided UAV flight between two bases

Italian Air Force Predator UAV  (Archive picture credit: Italian Air Force)
Cagliari, Italy - This system will allow to operate the Predator from long distances
(WAPA) - The first satellite-guided flight of a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Predator-A of the Italian Air Force between two of its bases (Amendola, Foggia and Decimomannu, Cagliari) has been successfully completed on August 3. The aircraft landed at 10:43 am, local time. The operation, dubbed "Shardan 2009", will end on August 7.

After flying through a specifically opened flying lane using a satellite navigation system, once approaching Decimomannu Air Base control has been passed to the ground station to perform landing operations. This transfer for the first time allowed the Air Force to test the possibility to operate a UAV from long distances. Furthermore it is a valid test for all the national airspace control and management system, both for military and civil purposes.

"With the landing at Decimomannu -the Air Force said in a note- Italy becomes the only nation in Europe to develop the capability to remotely operate aircraft like the Predator. This capability will be used soon to control from Italy aircraft deployed in Afghanistan".

For further information see also
AVIONEWS. (Avionews)

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